Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pitch-Labeling Practice Worksheets

We spend a lot of time before starting recorder getting used to the reading the music staff.  These worksheets are great to give students extra practice labeling pitches on the music staff.  I assign these worksheets for about the first five minutes of class at various days during the recorder unit.  For the first few times, I don't make them finish in a minute, but give them 2 to 3.  As they get better, I shorten the time to one minute.  The students also get to race against me in filling them out (I give them a 10-15 second head start - they love it).  I used to just use B-A-G and B-A-G-E, but now I've created a full set that follows the notes the students learn.
A Mad Minute Example - B-A-G-E
I also have a set of three music spelling worksheets.  The first two (Lines Spelling and Spaces Spelling) are just for practice.  The third (Lines and Spaces Spelling) I give as a quiz.
Music Spelling - Lines and Spaces

You can get the set of 10 worksheets here: Recorder Mad Minute and Music Spelling Worksheets - Set of 10

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