Friday, April 5, 2013

So and Mi Dash

Example of Gameplay Space

Here's a fun, easy game for reviewing So and Mi (and seeing who "gets it").  I printed out some So and Mi patterns that I created in PowerPoint and laminated them.  If you've bought my So and Mi lesson bundle, they are in there also, in multiple levels of difficulty and keys.  For this game, I used the level 1 and 2 patterns in C major only.  I like the red font because it is easier for the students to look at and find quickly.

There are many steps to play this successfully, so check them out if you're thinking about trying it:

1. Review all the patterns with the students in a whole group.  You may project them on a screen or print them out and use them as large flashcards.

2. Divide students into two groups.  Let students know that only one person will play at a time.  Lay down some rules (I go over and model these many times).  For me, there is no vocal cheering, only silent cheering (I don't need screams and whoops).  If a teammate chooses the wrong answer, the team replies, "That's ok, better luck next time." (If they reply with anything ugly they loose a point).  During gameplay, those who are watching are silent (they put a finger to their lips "shh").

3.  Assign a special role: "Helper" for each group.  The helpers stand on either side of the gameplay area.  When a person is playing and they don't know the answer, they may ask for the "helper" to come over and, well, help them.  (I created this role for students who struggle - they can get some assistance and still play their turn).
Closer Example of cards and spacing

4. Model playing the game (play a few rounds together).  You draw a pattern in stick formation (make sure to draw one that matches the cards on the floor) and have the class repeat it.  Then, you sing the pattern two more times while the class locates it on the floor (with their eyes - no pointing or moving yet).  Then, you stand at an incorrect pattern.  Ask, "Am I at the right place?"  They should say, "No."  Move to the correct pattern and ask, "Am I in the right place?"  They should say, "Yes."  Repeat this so they know the format: 1) Teacher draws pattern in stick formation, everyone echos, looking for the answer 2) Teacher sings, players looks for answer, teams also looks, but can't say anything 3) Teacher sings, players stands by answer 4) Teacher tells them if they are in the right place.  5) When the correct pattern is located, everyone sings it.

5. Note: To avoid cheating, the point is awarded to the first person who SAFELY moves to stand by the answer (no pushing the other player out of the way).

Scoreboard Example with Stick Notation (round 1)
6. I have multiple rounds of difficulty.  For the first round, I draw the pattern in stick notation.  For the second ground, I only sing the pattern.  For the last round, I play the pattern on the recorder.  This can get rather difficult, so adjust it to your students' skill level or the harder versions later.

Have fun and let me know if you need me to elaborate.

Soon, I hope to adapt this to a recorder activity - I'll be posting that later.  I'm thinking about having the gameplay go the same way, but having the class play each pattern once it is found correctly.

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